Source:Gov. candidates in 20 states endorse anti-immigration laws: By: Carrie Bufford Brown September 02, 2010
Constitutional Connection: 10th Amendment:Powers of the States and People
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Explanation of Connection:
While Congress is our legislature and has the ability to make laws, the 10th amendment gives states the power to imply more powers than those expressed in our US constitution. Canidates for gubernational races in more than 2 states have endorsed to adopt an Arizona-style imigration law that will make it harder for imigrants to live, work, and access public benefits given to residents of the state. The gubernational legislatures are all up and ready to go up against anything Pres. Obama and any other branch of office that has any issue with what they are trying to do.
This article clearly demonstrate the 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution. Why?, because the state gubernational candidates are trying to excersise their power given by the constitution, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people". The gubernational candidates are trying to pass a law for anti-immigration. The constitution is in action here because the states are given power to imply other powers or laws in their states if the Constitution itself doesn't express it. The right given to states to imply powers is being used by the gubernational candidates towards an anti-immigration law.
I can imagine a country without the 10th Amendment. But, I do agree that this Amendment is a necessity for those who abuse their power in office. If legislature only comes up with laws they find to be beneficial to them you would never have a say so in anything you want. With the power to imply power in your states given to us by the 10th Amendment, anything our state gubernational leaders recieve or feel strongly about in order to better our state, we have been given the power to fix it. Therefore this is a very good example of the 10th Amendment in action.
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